Unfuck Your Parenting #6: Tough Conversations
One of the hardest things about parenting is having conversations with your kids about sticky or loaded topics. You know, like sex. Or drugs. Or money, religion, or politics. Or when tragic shit happens. It's especially hard when the topic of discussion hits really close to home. Or if you tend to be either conflict averse or hot headed, or just plain unconfident having difficult conversations even with fellow adults. But you need to have these talks in order to create a sense of safety for your kid when life goes sideways. Whether you're trying to make sure your kid gets positive messages around gender even though you aren't an expert, process horrific news, or deal with an intolerant relative who you can't personally stand, Dr. Faith and Bonnie bring you their trademark common sense, experience, and realness in guiding you through having these necessary tough conversations and building a closer, trusting relationship with your offspring.